
After attending the ground breaking ceremony in October, 2010, Mary Ellen Ipiotis was inspired to create a BLOG about the massive desert rose sprouting forth on sacred grounds in Sandoval County.

C'mon in! Please make yourself at home. Join me with your commentary, questions, stories, photos, video's, any information you would like to share... about the new medical center, the land it is on, the people and places in the area, anything you think people would like to know.

Mary Ellen is listening and will be on the look out for you ~

Monday, December 31, 2018

2018 / 2019

May the new year bring us good health, 
happiness and continued blessings.
May we bring the new year the best we have to offer one another and keep each other in places of the heart and soul 
where only love and peace reside.

Thursday, November 29, 2018


May we have something or someone, someplace, perhaps a time in life that felt 
and feels so good, blessed, better and thankful. May good people, good food, good times 
and good memories fill our life with joy and peace, love, laughter 
and a good place to consider everything we have to be thankful for.
Merriam-Webster Dictionary 
describes Thankful as;
glad that something has happened or not happened, that something or someone exists, etc. : 
of, relating to, or expressing thanks. thankful.

Wednesday, October 31, 2018


We say goodbye to October and look forward to November. We hope for good days and brace ourselves for days that will bring challenges that we might think are unsurmountable yet we will somehow manage to see our way through.

We can bless each other with respect and kindness, tolerance, forgiveness and peace. We hope for good days ahead that will bring health of mind, body and spirit. As we turn the calendar to a new month let us stand tall and as hopeful for better days ahead, days that bring good natured spirits and joyful intention to enhance every day with goodness, sweet peace and quiet for our restless souls.

We pray for peace with all our hearts we pray for justice and our fair share of resources to enjoy life. What we can offer to one another goes beyond bill boards and television, social media and cell phones. What we can offer each other is the best of ourselves as we approach each day and each other with the utmost respect, it is that simple and more important than ever before. Here's to a good month ahead. Blessings good people to you and everything you hold dear and near. http://brunodelaroza.com/

Saturday, September 15, 2018


As the seasons change, so do we

Big CONGRATUALATIONS to Sandoval Regional Medical Center on being recognized in high ranking order as the leading Orthopedic Department in New Mexico! Hats off to CEO,
    Jamie Silva-Steele and the entire orthopedic department faculty and staff!

Sunday, July 29, 2018

Happy Anniversay!

Since July, 2012 UNM Sandoval Regional Medical Center began providing the best health care possible to people in Sandoval County and surrounding areas. From Primary to Specialty Care, the Emergency Room, Physical and Occupational Therapy to a state of the art Radiology Department and Women's Imaging Center plus Acute, Medical, Surgical and Intensive Care Units.

World class services including Medical Education and a Professional Arts Building are available in the name of quality health care and to enhance the overall quality of life for those wishing to use the resources available to the public.

Congratulations on receiving the 2018 Women's Choice Award, America's Best Hospitals for Patient Safety!

CONGRATULATIONS to all of the Staff, Faculty and Patients who strive to get on with life as healthy and happy, strong, knowledgeable and grateful that the University of New Mexico Sandoval Regional Medical Center is alive and well and very much a part of many peoples lives, then, now and far into the future. 

UNMSRMC is located in Rio Rancho at 3001 Broadmoor Blvd NE, 87144
The Main Line telephone number is 505-994-7000


Saturday, June 30, 2018

JUNE 2018

Hope things are going well for you, you are cultivating a garden, a good idea, a new friendship or something that will grow into something wonderful. 
Hope you're keeping cool and calm and have good people in your life  Have a good summer, stay safe, happy and healthy!

Saturday, March 31, 2018

March Into April

It is not always the easiest mode of operation or the path of least resistance but it is most often worth the risk of being true to yourself to say; "Better to march to the sound of your own beat" to be authentic, real an original one of a kind than to go along with and get lost in the crowd. It is the brave person who listens to his own heart beat!                        
    May the new month be filled with everything

                        that makes you happy healthy and safe!