The matter of Peace does not get any simpler than to be peaceful. Peaceful thoughts however are much easier in theory when doubt worry, and fear want to infiltrate the internal calm and quiet.
It feels better to get back on track realign the runaway train of troublesome thoughts and trade fretting for quiet peace. Acknowledging blessings, gifts, basic resources, freedom, so much to be thankful for starting with the ability to reroute a negative attitude that may have stemmed from a distorted perspective.
When all is said and done, we live with ourselves and if we say so we can claim our own happiness by at least attempting to diminish worrisome thinking, reel-in and draw from idea's that bolster and build-on moments of simple harmony. Peace of mind is powerful; the vibration emits outwardly to better cope with and navigate through the troubled world outside. Peace be with you. 🕊