The streets of Rio Rancho are bit busier during the transition of Summer, as that precarious time of year rolls in with radio, TV, newspaper and other advertisements indicating the winding down of a perfectly good summer. A sense of urgency is created as high spirited, shiny, colorful ads sing the praises of outfitting yourself with brand new goods, fresh stuff, essentials in the way of school supplies, clothes, transportation and food.

Families figure out ways to get the kids to school, is the school bus an option or can someone drop them off and pick them up? High school age students and adults enroll in classes in an effort to propel themselves further along in their chosen fields of interest. From books and schedules to aspiring athletes trying-out for their respective sport to musicians and singers auditioning for the band or choir, school pictures and fund raisers, theatre goings-on, concert performances, Homecoming festivities and various competitions; all components set-up to compliment scholastic achievements as students and families engage in the whole eduacational experience.

School seems to define us when we are in the middle of it, everything evolves around it. It is necessary to our understanding of the world and our bridge of hope for a good life. With school comes more options, opportunities and possibilities to propel ourselves into the next level. The quality of life is enhanced with education and learning, positive growth and healthy physical, mental and intellectual development takes place. The education process can be simple at once fantastic and challenging, always with the potential to change lives for the better, far into the future.