Resolution involves clarity, literally single points of color as in pixels on a display monitor rendering sharper definition. It is simple yet complicated, it seems easy enough to declare a resolution, to desire and seek the outcome of good intentions and resolutions. Alas, reality encroaches telling us to forget about it, let it go... it's a losing battle and all the negative, doubtful thinking we slip into before we realize it, we hold ourselves in captivity with our own self-imposed limitations... but yesterday's defeatist attitude is so yesterday. The really good news is, today is a whole new day, different then the day before. Today and tomorrow hold endless possibilities to take another approach, a turn in a new direction.
Today is another chance to be better than before, gradually, slowly or hustle and hasten to reach a goal. One day at a time we move forward in a good direction with as positive a perspective as possible, in the name of health of mind, body and spirit with strength and courage.