Today in history the Frisbee got off the ground, so to speak. On January 23rd, 1957 the Wham-O Toy Company began mass production on what was at one time referred to as the "Pluto Platter", inspired by the UFO stir in the late 50s, early 60s. Wham-O was also responsible for introducing the Hula-Hoop and the Super Ball, the various size balls with the serious and oft out of control bounce. Like the little solid rubber ball at the center of a golf ball after it's been peeled layer by layer.
Other toy's boys and girls of all ages in the 60's gravitated towards seemed so simple and provided hours of fun for countless kids, toys like the Yo-Yo, The wirey -timeless Slinky, Marbles, Jacks, Pick-up Stix, Tops, Jump Rope, View Masters, Easy Bake Ovens, Creepy Crawlers (precursor to gummie bears & worms) Barbie Dolls & Etch A-sketches, Spiro-Graphs, Cootie, Hot Wheels, Tinker Toys, Tonka Trucks, Lincoln Logs, Mr Potato Head and Army Men. The great thing is many of these toys are still around but not necessarily mentioned among the "A" list of kids favorite toys now a days in this age of modern technology, digitized toys, virtual reality... electronics a go-go.
Just fun to get nostalgic about some of the stuff that puts a light in the eyes of Baby Boomers.