
After attending the ground breaking ceremony in October, 2010, Mary Ellen Ipiotis was inspired to create a BLOG about the massive desert rose sprouting forth on sacred grounds in Sandoval County.

C'mon in! Please make yourself at home. Join me with your commentary, questions, stories, photos, video's, any information you would like to share... about the new medical center, the land it is on, the people and places in the area, anything you think people would like to know.

Mary Ellen is listening and will be on the look out for you ~

Monday, December 31, 2012

The Years

We say goodbye to another year, we saw everything good and too many things bad about the world, the hate, the cruelty, the helpless and hopeless nature of life at times seems too much to bare.

Thankfully, there is goodness, there are strong, necessary people blessed with gifts and skills to make life more livable for others, countless opportunities arise with chances to contribute in ways that light the darkness and lift the burdens of those weighed down by unfortunate circumstances. 

We welcome another year, hopeful 2013 brings better days, happy, full of surprises and roads that lead us where we need to be at the exact moment we need to be there. We want to be a good influence and positive force in the world, it is a fine practice, essential to our existance and simple solution to enhancing a world that craves peace and love, a soft place to land at the end of the day.
One minute at a time with one heart, one kind gesture at a time so life is much more doable,
lovable and worthwhile for those who would think otherwise.

Saturday, December 22, 2012

Peace to you,  JOY, LOVE, everything that makes your heart swell with grace beyond description and feelin awesome, your best, blessed, happy, healthy.

Let us go forth with the heart of a lion, the grace of a butterfly and the strength of a burning, blazing, beautiful star.

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Joy & Pain

Joy is a jewel, a sparkly slice of life that smears smiles on people's faces. Joy warms the heart and nourishes the soul, it tugs on your heartstrings, can make you cry and laugh, giggle and feel good all over. Pain is raw and strikes indiscriminantly at the young and old, boys and girls, men and women of all ages, it can leave as quickly as it appears or linger and loiter in the body and mind oblivious to it's unwanted presence. Joy and Pain are opposites felt, seen and heard in obvious manner, sometimes invisible as it moves about with reckless abandon.

Pain bites hard, it punctures, the sting is sharp, also quick to come and go without warning, unannounced like an obnoxious uninvited guest. Emotional or mental pain can be silent or exude deafening screams as it runs rampant and out of control. Each hot tear begs for relief from the intruding tangles, tears, breaks, burns, blocks, ruptures.You scramble for ways to rid yourself of any pain or anguish.

The joy of seeing a child happy and healthy after surviving a life threatening illness, a therapist helping someone breakthrough a former limitation, someone being appreciated for their help, good news about long awaited test results or completing a job well done while improving the quality of someones life in the process. Joy is an elixar of life!

At the end of the day it is comfort, peace, big and little, subtle and spectacular things and moments that bring you joy, outweighs the pain and make life more livable, happier and healthy.

Sunday, November 25, 2012

Fearless Warrior

As the world turns, burns, spins, shakes and bakes in it's own jams and juices, in it's own mad and marvelous self made messes and awesome inventions, intentions, conventions, creations and connections... we would do well to rise and shift, all of us who share this precious planet...Yes, a shift to make room for the betterment of one another. To seek-out opportunities to be a good reflection of everything we wish for, to live life with the intention of contributing to it's quality, to find a way to promote peace and justice for all, forever.

Let our cries, our tears our fears, frustrations, fantastic natural and electronically infused lives stem from a peaceful place, a place where life is good, resplendent with respect, where the young revere the old, where people take better care of plants, animals and the environment is given another chance at surviving humanity's hunger for progress, industry, mechanical, chemical & convenience-driven resources.

We move forward with the courage of a lion, the purpose and power of a budding flower, the resilience of a fearless warrior and the fragile preciousness of humanity. We look to the future with a clear view of our hopes and dreams as people with the capacity to be strong and sensitive, to encourage, care-for, cherish, lift-up and turn-on the light of the world. Yes it is well within our scope to diminish the darkness and refresh ourselves with the elements of love and peace.

Friday, November 09, 2012

Respite for The Weary

 Sending good vibrations, thoughts, prayers to the brethren weather beaten on the East Coast and other locations where people are displaced and defeated and depleated by the storms (which are not all that far away from here if your looking at the earth from a distance) in the hopes that resources find their way to the current lost tribe of people who are full of despair as to what, where and how.

Who can say when our lives turn upside down and why.  What on earth is a person to do when everything you hold dear, your most precious possessions and essential means of daily living, is gone, when even loved ones struggle to survive man made or natural disaster.  How can life be so cruel?

Like a child with outstretched arms longing for someone to rescue her, hold her, to comfort and warm him. I wish all lives in peril, in harms ways, in fear, isolated... Peace. That somehow deep in the core of your soul, there is respite for your weary hearts and bones.
I hope you have hope and the means to start over, to begin anew after recovering from the shock and reality of the devastation.

I wish I could take your pain away and offer consolation and recourse, a safe and warm place for you and your loved one's. I pray you have the strength and will to pick-up where you are forced to leave-off and leave behind from the disruption that shakes you to the core. I pray you find your way to a place where you can begin to rebuild your lives and leave the wreckage behind, able to start over, be well, strong and carry-on. 

Tuesday, October 23, 2012


The change of season's calls on the sure-footed and the weary to settle the unsettled, lay down arms of anger, confusion and conflict. Gather ye hearts and souls with respect, resolve and repair. Love and peace beg to accompany you to the next experience, to explore everything, chase life, live to the fullest, freely, blessed and a blessing. May natures beauty and joy be yours to gather and share.

How special the season of change, the colors melt into the other, a masterful orchestration takes place with instruments made of air, the sky, earth, people, animals, birds, the vastness all sharing the same rhythm. Time tho' slow still a constant restless companion, never stopping and beckons the future, the possibilities, opportunities, challenges.
Fall's pallet with rich, fiery, exciting color combinations are fleeting as trees slip into something more comfortable in preparation of winter's visit. The composition is simple and elegant.

Tuesday, October 09, 2012


From Roswell, New Mexico and the crazy kind of courage and passion required of such an endeavor, Austrian, Felix Baumgartner takes a challenge to a whole nother level, in fact, out of this world. The licensed gas balloon, commercial helicopter and now Stratos pilot will be faster than a locomotive, stronger than a speeding bullet and real auronautical super man as he attempts to sail out into the stratosphere, by helium balloon some 23 plus miles above earth's atmosphere. He will stand on the capsule's ledge and free fall off, attempting to break the speed of sound (Mach 1), with his own body and a pressurized space suit, he will pass through a seemingly invisable sound barrier moving at supersonic speed, around 690 miles per hour.

With the financial backing of energy drink giant, Red Bull, state of the art technology has been designed and developed for this massive science project. No one can predict with 100% certainty, all of the possibilities, from a fatal outcome to fantastic, futuristic triumphant results.
This space exploration mission has been several years in the making with every imaginable possible aeronautical logistical detail considered, studied, tested and researched again from all angles. The physical risks include the possibility of "Fearless Felix's" spinning like a top, uncontrollably, causing his blood to boil among several other life threatening possibilities.

This is a story of amazing courage and uncommon determination, history in the making and as exciting and spectacular in scope as watching a man walk on the moon.  Humankind's desire to connect to the stars, to test the bounderies, boldly investigate the limitations of earth and discover what is to be discovered, learned, taught and shared for the betterment of all.

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Eternal Flame

May the eternal flame of peace, love and goodness endure. May compassion shine brighter everyday, until mankind distinguishes the furious fire raging among a humanity starving for respect and the essential necessities of life.
May you find quiet ports in your storms and may your hopes, dreams and prayers be lifted to an elevated place where you can share your blessings and lighten the burdens of those who do not know how or cannot lift themselves up, and may every drop of love and goodness that you receive flow freely from you into the broken hearts and spirits of those who can only imagine such riches.

Monday, August 20, 2012

The streets of Rio Rancho are bit busier during the transition of Summer, as that precarious time of year rolls in with radio, TV, newspaper and other advertisements indicating the winding down of a perfectly good summer. A sense of urgency is created as high spirited, shiny, colorful ads sing the praises of outfitting yourself with brand new goods, fresh stuff, essentials in the way of school supplies, clothes, transportation and food.
Families figure out ways to get the kids to school, is the school bus an option or can someone drop them off and pick them up? High school age students and adults enroll in classes in an effort to propel themselves further along in their chosen fields of interest. From books and schedules to aspiring athletes trying-out for their respective sport to musicians and singers auditioning for the band or choir, school pictures and fund raisers, theatre goings-on, concert performances, Homecoming festivities and various competitions; all components set-up to compliment scholastic achievements as students and families engage in the whole eduacational experience.

    School seems to define us when we are in the middle of it, everything evolves around it. It is  necessary to our understanding of the world and our bridge of hope for a good life.  With school comes more options, opportunities and possibilities to propel ourselves into the next level. The quality of life is enhanced with education and learning, positive growth and healthy physical, mental and intellectual development takes place. The education process can be simple at once fantastic and challenging, always with the potential to change lives for the better, far into the future. 

Saturday, July 07, 2012

Grand Opening!

What a very important and exciting time as this weekend's public grand opening for The UNM Sandoval Regional Medical Center takes place. Within a matter of day's, patients will be received and admitted as countless others enter it's corridors seeking access to benchmark quality health care. No detail has been unattended; from bedside information resources for medical providers to deeper sinks in patients rooms and spacious bathrooms, comfortable room considerations for visiting family and friends to color coded flooring and 21st Century technological capabilities that will allow for accurate and precise support in diagnostic treatment, robotic surgery, research and development. Cutting edge advancements in modern medicine is showcased in this massive medicine chest resplendent with specialty departments and clinics that include; Family Medicine, Orthopedic Surgery, Gynecology, Non-Invasive Cardiology, Rheumatology and Behavioral Treatment Protocol and Therapies. Meanwhile, Pharmacy and Nursing programs are already underway as nearby schools prepare to build partnerships and gain accreditation for practical learning and work experience.

Congratulations to everyone who has been instrumental in the funding, design, build and opening of this brand new place of healing and care, where neighboring communities can find respite, rehabilitation, comfort and help for problems that only a facility such as this can provide! It has taken many people to make this medical marvel come to fruition and will prove to be priceless in providing opportunities and the means to enhance the quality and care of the lives this medical center will serve.

Medical personal as well as hospital staff and administrators are poised and ready to meet the demands and challenges ahead, for generations to come.

Wednesday, July 04, 2012

4th of July, 2012

Excerpt from United States of America
Declaration of Independence, July 4, 1776

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. — That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, — That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security. — Such has been the patient sufferance of these Colonies; and such is now the necessity which constrains them to alter their former Systems of Government. The history of the present King of Great Britain is a history of repeated injuries and usurpations, all having in direct object the establishment of an absolute Tyranny over these States.

Friday, June 15, 2012

Prepare for Lift Off!

UNM Sandoval Regional Medical Center is now officially certified for occupancy. All systems are go, like a rocket ready to blast off and propel itself into space. Schematics, logistics, zoning, building and safety codes are in place, compliance with quality assurance and countless other details crucial to providing outstanding health care, secured. The count down continues as lift off draws near.  The brand new Medical Center has obtained clearance to open it's doors and receive patients and the plethora of people required to operate the state of the art health care facility. The propulsion builds as the excitement mounts, anticipation grows as everyone is hopeful, eager and excited to implement life saving resources, techniques, practices and standards consistent with the best of the best in medical centers.

The quest to meet the needs of those seeking exceptional health care, education and training will remain constant and dynamic.  The grand opening is in sight on the near horizon, the hospital on the ready to lift off, up and running with precision, as fine as a finely-tuned spacecraft.

Monday, May 28, 2012


We remember the soldiers, warriors, defenders of freedom. We remember the brave heart's who fought the good fight and who continue to be missed today. We honor those who will never be forgotten and think of them endearingly, with love, respect and gratitude for their part in our lives ~

Sunday, May 13, 2012

Happy Mother's Day!

To our mother's, who love us beyond measure, who carried and cried for us, who made sacrifices and stayed-up with us all night when we were sick, who laugh at our corny jokes and would do anything to make us happy when we were sad.  To the one's who stuck by us through thick and thin, good and bad days and in all the way's only a mother can show her loyalty and love to her child.
Thank you for everything, for the hard, soft, simple and best lessons learned, for the most memorable moments, endearing and tender, the special times we can only recall with a lump in our throat and a tear in our eye. Today, we think of the reasons our mother's mean so much to us and why we refer to them as irreplacable, so important and precious.

Tuesday, April 10, 2012


Change your mind, change your heart,
change the results of your next move.
Awaken the senses and revive the soul.
Growth is good and reflects a renewed sense of hope 
as the weary spirit is lifted and refreshed.

Tuesday, March 20, 2012


Behold, my friends, the spring is come;
the earth has gladly received the embraces of the sun,
and we shall soon see the results of their love!
~ Sitting Bull
The Great Medicine Man and Chieftain of the Sioux Nation.

Monday, March 05, 2012

Anatomy Of A Hospital

Starting with the A's- A look-see at some of the positions, people, places and things that go into the creation of the UNM Sandoval Regional Medical Center; Administrators, Admitting & Registration Personal, Accounts Payable overseers, Ambulatory Care Specialists and Anesthsiologists. Every role, vital to the success and purpose of the medical center.

Thursday, February 16, 2012

There is something about Valentine's Day that evokes a great deal of emotion; it can be of course a very romantic, loving, kind and thoughtful day. It can prompt a sense of longing, isolation, regret even bitterness. It is a wonderful time of year when you have the pleasure of being on the receiving end of a valentine. It can also be a sad time for someone who would rather skip past the whole notion of it,  especially if any element of dissapointment would interfere with it's sweet, soft and simple nature.

It goes like that with any landmark day... ignore them, look upon some of them with dread or get into them... certain days on the calender mark particular times of our lives and help us to remember for better or for worse.
We hope for the better. ♥

Thursday, February 09, 2012


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"We are one species.
We are star stuff harvesting star light"
Carl Sagan
American astronomer, astrophysicist, cosmologist, writer, Pulitzer Prize winner for non-fiction & What Jack Hanna and Steve Irwin are to the animal kingdom and Yo-Yo Ma is to the chello and classical music... Carl Sagan is to astronomy and science. (9.9.34 - 12.20.96) 

"I went to the librarian and asked for a book about stars ... And the answer was stunning. It was that the Sun was a star but really close. The stars were suns, but so far away they were just little points of light ... The scale of the universe suddenly opened up to me. It was a kind of religious experience. There was a magnificence to it, a grandeur, a scale which has never left me. Never ever left me"
 ~ Carl Sagan

One more thing, that for whatever reason, this blogger feels compelled to share is something to consider, also something Dr Sagan said, it goes like this;

"Those worlds in space are as countless as all the grains of sand on all the beaches of the earth.
Each of those worlds is as real as ours and every one of them is a succession of incidents, events, occurrences which influence its future. Countless worlds, numberless moments, an immensity of space and time. And our small planet at this moment, here we face a critical branch point in history: what we do with our world, right now, will propagate down through the centuries and powerfully affect the destiny of our descendants. It is well within our power to destroy our civilization and perhaps our species as well."
~ Carl Sagan

Saturday, January 28, 2012

Due Date

The anticipation grows as the hospital nears completion. It is kind of like everyone eagerly awaiting the arrival of a brand new baby. The waiting and wondering about how everything will be, will the child be healthy and happy, have all it's senses, fingers and toes, curly hair or any hair? Will it look like this person or that one? Will the newborn that is almost ready for delivery- continue to evolve into the best it can be? 
"God Bless The Child" and pray this miracle will always be safe, properly cared for, loved and respected, in turn, treats all people with kindness and is a blessing constantly striving to be good and on the ready for whatever life has in store, and is able to stand tall with strength, courage, confidence and knowledge far into the future. ~

Monday, January 16, 2012


To The Great Thinkers of this world we share, the courageous, the bold and daring one's who went beyond and will go farther than they can even imagine. To the healers and helpers, the peacemakers and dreamers, the one's who make life livable.

Saturday, January 07, 2012


With a new year, a brand new set of experiences beckon, opportunities to discover new and improved ways of approaching life. Armed with renewed strength and courage, a fresh new attitude and spirit emerges, daring to move forward with noble intentions toward enhancing the quality of our own life and the lives of others, in small or large measure, quietly or on a colossal scale. We hope for better days and good nights, for a place in the world where we are safe and warm, cared for and loved. We long for peace, contentment and health.                   
May the coming days, weeks and months ahead bring good changes and growth. May lessons be learned softly and may we be granted the ability to make life more livable for those we can help. Peace and love to those who have blessed and supported us in the past, bless us presently and will be a blessing to us in the future.